• Our Club Deal specializes in identifying and investing in innovative structures developing sovereign technologies that can strengthen our democracies. By uniting our resources and expertise in an ecosystemic logic, we aim to support innovative and strategic projects for our economic and sovereign rearmament.

  • To sign up, click here. There are no registration fees.

    • Access to our qualified dealflow: Discover rigorously selected companies seeking to raise funds.

    • Selection based on team and market need: We focus on the founding team and the response to a market need.

    • Investment thesis in strategic industrial sectors: Defense, aerospace, newspace, energy.

    • Innovative products or services: Only projects with significant innovation are selected.

    • No entry barriers for investors: You can sign up freely.

    • A meaningful investment thesis: Focused on strategic sectors.

    • Post-investment support: Vortech provides services to support the company's growth after the fundraising operation.

  • We invest through an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle), offering several advantages:

    • Access to deals even with smaller ticket sizes.

    • Additional liquidity possibility within the SPV.

    • Easier cap table management for the founder.

    • More bargaining power with VC funds in later rounds of funding.

  • There is no entrance fee to join our club. We retain only 5% commission for setting up the operation and 20% carried interest.